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February 1, 2020 · 1 min · Iduoad

SaaS Applications

Dev crontab guru : crontab editor MuttrcBuilder : Build muttrc easily Bundle Phobia : Display information about a package Cloud Craft : Cloud Architecture Conception and visualisation 2D : Mobile Conception tool (export to flutter) Code Editor for APIs : A Web Editor for Web APIs Code Typing practice : Practice typing through coding Agile Project Management: Agile Project Management Tool, Trello Like. jitsi/wire/tox: Video conference OSS ngrok/serveo: Make you app public to everyone via SSH tunneling Keycode: Get javascript keycodes easily List of API: Suckless docs for many apis....

February 1, 2020 · 2 min · Iduoad

Self Hosted applications

Browserless: Headless browser as a service (supports Puppeter, Selenium, …) Node-RED: Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways. Quickchart: Chart as a service (Offers API, SDKs and no-code solutions) Meilisearch: User-focused search engine (Offers APIs, and SDKs) and works with json documents. Typesense: user-centric Search Engine (like meilisearch) Imagor: Image processing server (offers a rest api) LibreTranslate: Open Source Machine Translation API(Provides rest api)....

February 1, 2020 · 2 min · Iduoad